Do you remember your first Cabbage Patch Kid? I do. Her name was Bevi Lee and she had long, thick orange braids. I had coveted a Cabbage Patch Kids doll since they first came out and receiving her for Christmas was like getting the Holy Grail of baby dolls.
I also remember the frenzy that Cabbage Patch Kids caused the poor retailers. As soon as they hit the shelves, they were flying out of the stores and I distinctly remember being in a store that had just shelved some of the dolls. They were gone in minutes, but not before my mom had snatched up my second Cabbage Patch Kid named Thom Raymond. I also had a Cabbage Patch Preemie named Craig Lorry. I had quite the little Cabbage Patch family going on.
Cabbage Patch Kids are turning 25 and this fall, Limited Edition 25th Anniversary Cabbage Patch Kids will be hitting store shelves for a limited time only. Each and every Cabbage Patch Kid is a one-of-a-kind replica of an original ’83 doll, made with the same sculpts/molds and materials. This is the first time they’ve been at retail since their debut in 1983.
Did you ever have a Cabbage Patch Kid? Can you still remember its name?
Oh of course I do and she is still such a huge part of our family! Her original name was Maureen Patula but it quickly was changed to “Elsie”! I named her after my grandfather…his name was L.C. and to a three year old, that, of course, sounded like “Elsie”! She has traveled almost everywhere and even though I have had 30+ others since her, she has always been the favorite. In fact, she still has a prominant spot in our house! My poor hubby just thinks it’s sort of silly (but he collects Hot Wheels, so he doesn’t judge) and didn’t even complain when I bought an anniversary edition one to be her companion. I did find a few that looked like her, but just couldn’t bring myself to by one that resembeled her so much, so I got an anniversary Premie that had her same coloring. (It reminded me of what she would have looked like if when she was a “baby”…lol)
I will never forget how excited I was when I got her for Christmas that year! My grandmother stood in line, in the cold, the day after Thanksgiving 1983 and got her. The best part was that she looked like me! Brown hair and eyes and slightly darker skin…I never really looked like other people in my family, so I thought it was so special that SHE looked like ME!
I got my 14 month old son his first one, while I was pregnant with him and hunted EVERYWHERE for a baby boy. I finally found one with blonde hair and brown eyes and amazingly, that’s what he looks like!
I recently bought my cousin’s baby her first one and will be shipping that to China (my cousing and his wife are teachers there). They are such wonderful dolls and am proud to be a collector!
WOW! I can’t belive it’s been 25 years since I first fell in love with my little Gunther Howie… born in the Cabbage Patch on 10/01. I’ve still got him, but he was well loved through the 80’s and has seen better days.
My two DDs are 25 and 21 & it doesn't seem possible it's been that long ~ we still have many of them ~ I blogged too about this ~ we still miss LouLou ~
Cindi @ Moomettesgram’s Musings
YES! I had a premie and his name was Felix Henry. I still have him!
Doreen Edith was her name, btw! hahaha So happy to hear they are coming out with these limited editions. I’m SO going to get one. My DD got one for her 1st b-day from an old friend of mine that goes back to the days of the CPKs. It was not nearly as cute as the old ones!
Okay…now I feel really old!
I DO remember my first cabbage patch kid. His name was Sebastian Larry. At that time, you couldn’t pick which one you got. You went to the register, they asked you boy or girl, you paid, then took your receipt to stand in a very long line and wait for your doll.
You got the one they handed to you!
I remember that day like it was yesterday. When they handed me my doll I screamed! It wasn’t the one I wanted. You don’t get to pick, my Dad reminded me. I could tell he was upset that he paid a good amount of money for a doll I hated.
Anyway, I learned to love him and will definitely be getting an anniversary addition for J Girl!
Oh, stop. Are you kidding me? Twenty five year anniversary? TWENTY FIVE YEARS? It doesn’t seem possible!