I’ll admit it. I’m a bit of a Facebook addict. I check it several times a day on my phone and often keep it open in a window on my computer while I work at home. I can’t help it. All of my friends and family are there and I want to know what’s going on in their world. But then there are these people….and yes, they are friends. Not close friends, but still on my friend’s list. Most of the time I have nothing bad to say about the whole Facebook deal, but then…these people….
These people? They ruin my Facebook feed. I’ll be scrolling along, laughing at funny pictures and comments and then one of these people posts something that just totally kills the happy mood. Some of it’s just annoying at best, but some of it is seriously depressing. I’ve tried hiding the pages they share. I have even unfollowed some of them simply because I just can’t anymore with them and their stuff. So who are these people?
1. Timehopping Serial Selfiests- Oh look! A picture of you from last year. And then you from three years ago! Same duck lips, same spidery-looking mascara and scary eyebrows. I. Just. Can’t. Here’s a tip. Yes, you are beautiful and you would probably look even better without three tons of makeup on your face. Wipe off the makeup, smile when you do take a picture of yourself, and then go out and do something for someone else who could never repay you. Try it and see how good THAT feels. It might even make you prettier in a different way.
2. Abuse Picture Posters- I know the world we live in is tough at times. I am not so ignorant that I don’t think abuse happens every second of every day. However, I just cannot take pictures of severely abused animals and people. Especially kids. I don’t know why anyone thinks that is appropriate for social media. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
3. Weekend Warriors- So, you and your family did Disney this weekend. And a water park, a hiking trail, an indoor jumping thingy, sky diving, base jumping, two birthday parties, a ballgame annnnnnd everyone made it to church on time Sunday morning. Good for you. I’m golf clapping for you while I’m still in my pajamas trying to catch up on laundry to be ready for the next week.
4. Inspirational Quoters- I don’t mind a good quote every once in a while. You know the ones; beautiful words set against the background of a sunrise or billowy clouds beckoning you to be the very best person you can possibly be. Little kernels of wisdom to get you through whatever life is throwing at you. Heck, some of them even resonate with me so much I find myself nodding my head in agreement. But to the people that post them 20 times a day? STOP! Life is not perfect. You can let go of all of the things you think are dragging you down and completely change everything you think is wrong with yourself and guess what? Life happens. You live and learn and then you do better. Put THAT on a pretty picture.
5. Love Advice Gurus- This goes along with those inspirational quotes, excepts it’s quotes about REAL true love. If a person really loves you they will wake you up with kisses, dance in the rain with you, and anticipate your every need before you even know what you need yourself. True love never hurts and always puts you first. Look, I know we all go through that starry-eyed phase of googley-eyed love. However, I can tell you that even when a person has the best intentions, love still hurts sometimes. You will have fights with your spouse and you will make up. You will eventually fall into a daily routine where the needs of your kids, job, etc. might consume you and your alone time with your spouse is few and far between. Guess what? It may not be ideal, but it happens. Life and relationships ebb and flow. Sometimes real love looks like putting the kid to bed or making dinner or doing the dishes when the other one is too tired. Don’t place impossible expectations on the ones you love the most and for heaven’s sake, don’t let Facebook tell you what real love looks like.
There. That was cathartic. And before you tell me to just “get off of Facebook” if it bothers me so much, just know that besides all of the above, I do enjoy it. I’m also too nice to unfriend people. And I’m a glutton for social media punishment. And it makes for funny conversations.
Yes! I’m also tired of the multi-level marketing stuff. Once or twice a week, post a status update, but don’t wake up every morning and post a sales pitch. Also, don’t invite me to your online Facebook parties. Ain’t nobody got time or money for that.
I don’t usually unfriend, but there are many “friends” that I have hidden from my feed.
I so understand. You know, I don’t mind my friends selling things (close friends that I actually interact with on Facebook), but these people that you barely know that suddenly want to be your friend….JUST to sell you stuff! Grrr!! LOL! By the way, I am so glad to see you back in the blogging world and I am enjoying your house posts!