If anyone reads here regularly, which I highly doubt, you know I’ve been wondering why my foot hurts so bad. I have been around and around with having an MRI and seeing a chiropractor for what I was told was sciatica. This has been going on since September of last year. This past Thursday night I got no sleep because my foot started having shooting pains going through it that were just constant. It hurt to wear a sock and especially a shoe. I had bought special tennis shoes thinking that might help. They felt more comfortable than my old sneakers, but it still hurt to wear them.
It was absolutely miserable and I had to miss work on Friday. The bottom of my foot felt like I had walked over hot coals and it was numb as well. I told hubby I was going to the clinic and I wasn’t leaving until I knew why my foot hurts! I was in tears as I explained to the nurse what was going on.
Finally, some answers!
Well! In swoops the doctor and the first thing he said was, I know EXACTLY what’s wrong with you, Miss Mandy!”. He certainly had my attention!
Turns out, I have diabetic neuropathy and it’s bad in my foot and starting to affect my left hand as well. The doctor was floored that not one of the medical people I have seen about this suspected it or even tested me for it. He was so great at explaining what diabetic neuropathy is and how I need to get my blood sugar under control so it won’t cause permanent nerve damage. He then told me there was a medication that he wanted me to start. He said it may take a week or so to feel any difference, which kind of disappointed me because I needed relief NOW. He sent me on my way with instructions to follow up in two weeks and a new prescription.
So, how am I feeling now?
Well, Lord bless the makers of Gabapentin because I was a brand new woman after I went home and took that medicine! I took a nap and woke up noticing a HUGE difference in how my foot felt. It took all of the pain away, but my foot still feels numb. Walking is tricky and I am having to be very careful.
I am so thankful to finally know why my foot hurts so badly. I have just been absolutely miserable for months, thinking it was sciatic pain. I had to cancel an earlier appointment with an endocrinologist this past holiday season, but I will definitely be trying to get in very soon to see the specialist. I want to get my Type 2 diabetes under control once and for all.
That must be such a relief to know and be on the path to wellness. There’s nothing like a medical mystery. Isn’t it amazing that none of the other doctors considered this? Scary. Be well!
Thanks Kim! Yes, I am very relieved to know and hopefully, I’m on my way to healing.