This may very well be the piece de resistance of my What The Honk, Car? picture collection I have going here on my blog. So we’ve had the Buzz Lightyear and the Chucky Doll car. I have been trying to get a decent picture of this one for MONTHS now. This was the absolute best I could do as it whizzed past me on the highway a few weeks ago. (Sorry for the dashboard glare.)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen… is Freddy Krueger. THE Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street movie fame.
I’ve simply just quit trying to figure out this strange phenomena of art choices on cars in my small Mississippi town. We’re just keeping it klassy, y’all.
That is creepy looking. Those movies used to scare me half to death.
That is just freaky!
I would not let my children get near that car. This is just weird. Just found your site. Your posts keep me laughing. I am now a follower.