This post will be a little of this and a little of that. I was wracking my brain for something to post about and decided to go through the pictures on my phone to try and help me remember what has been happening around here lately. It just seems like each day blurs into another during summer. Sometimes, I think I haven’t done much, and then I look back and remember I did some things.
Doggy Daycare
A couple of weeks ago, I got to dog sit. My neighbor’s daughter was in town, and they wanted to go out of town for the day. She asked if I would mind keeping her daughter’s dog, Leo. He’s so small and cute, so I said of course!
They dropped him off that morning and picked him back up around 8 PM. He was a busy little thing, following us around the house and investigating everything. I had to make sure there was nothing on the floor that might potentially be a hazard to him. We took him out in the backyard, and he had a blast running around and chasing Jake. Jake was NOT amused with our visitor for the day, but he tolerated Leo quite well. Leo was also a great napper; we all got a good two-hour nap that day! I told Hubby it was like watching a toddler all day long. Haha! I am definitely more of a cat person, but it was fun having Leo for a visit.
Saying Goodbye
On a sad note, I had to get dressed up to attend a funeral visitation for a long-time neighbor of ours, Mr. Bill. It was a sudden passing, so we are all still slightly shocked. Mr. Bill and his wife lived next door to my parents for many years, and we love this family so much. It was so good to see all of their children again, but we sure did hate for it to be under those circumstances.
Dealing With Paper Clutter
I managed to wade through a mountain of papers that needed to be dealt with. For at least three months, I had been putting away things that needed filing in the filing cabinet, just stacking things one on top of another. It was getting to where I couldn’t add another thing in there, so I dug it all out and dealt with it as far as going through what could be tossed and what I needed to keep. Here is my stack, which is waiting for me to file it in the proper binder. I’ll count that as a little progress!
A Cooking Lesson
The Teen got a lesson in making scrambled eggs. I caught him and his Hubby in the kitchen Friday morning having a culinary lesson—haha! Hubby said he did a great job, so that’s one life skill down! And speaking of the Teen, he ran something to my mama’s house yesterday and returned home with a big planter she was giving me for my fern. He placed it on top of the little entryway bar in our house. Sitting at my desk, I kept hearing a small noise, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. I finally discovered that Jake had somehow helped himself into the planter! He never saw a box or other container he didn’t like!
That Darn Cat!
Summer Foods
And I don’t know about y’all, but it has been SUPER hot lately. We’ve been under a heat warning for the past few days, which is terrible! I’ve been eating lighter foods because I just haven’t wanted anything too heavy. I made this little plate of snack-type foods for lunch one day:
But, my favorite is this little takeaway plate from one of my favorite “takery” places downtown.
So, so good! Other than that, we will be hitting the road again this week to take Mama to a doctor’s appointment. Hubby and the Teen also have a road trip planned soon. Hope it’s a great day for you!
So sorry to hear about the loss of your former neighbor.
It looks like you had quite a lot going on, with dog sitting, cooking lessons, catching up on paperwork and filing, attending a funeral, and just day to day activities. Jake looks so comfy in the planter!
I’m sorry about the loss of your friend.
Cooking lessons are always good.
Cats are so funny. They will crawl into anything.
It was so hot here last week, but has improved this week. Your food looks perfect.
Sorry for the sudden loss of your friend. It’s always hard when we lose someone.
Your summer foods look delicious. We are a little behind and don’t have tomatoes or cucumbers ripe yet, but soon. And I don’t know what it is with cats and containers, but they certainly love to get into them.:)
Hello Dear Mandy!
Sorry I”ve been absent. Catching up in blogland this week after being gone a trip to Europe! 🙂
Sorry to hear about your neighbor 🙏🏻
Love the egg lesson and the sweet kitty. 🐱
It’s got to feel good to get a big project like that done. 💗
It was SO hot when we were in Europe. I get what you mean – summer is truly here! ☀️
Blessings to you. xoxo
That to-go box of food looks perfect for a summer day. So sorry to hear about your family friend. It is quite hot this week. I am with you on the paper stacks. I have gone through some, but have so much more to go through soon. Have a good day!