E.B. and I were on the way home from the grocery store this afternoon when he dissolved into a puddle of tears in the backseat and confessed that he broke a window in the library at school last Friday. I don’t know what brought the conversation on, but needless to say, I was stunned. I had received no note from his teacher and he had never mentioned anything. I asked him if he was absolutely sure and he insisted he was.
As soon as we arrived home I called the teacher to see if what he was telling me was true. Turns out, it was, but not exactly as he explained things. The broken window happened 4 MONTHS ago and apparently he and a couple of other children were throwing the pea gravel on the playground when a piece struck the window to the library and caused a pane in it to crack. Since several children were involved, she said that they couldn’t point the blame on one child, so they were given a good “talking to” and the window pane was replaced. I apologized to her and she was really great about the whole thing. I asked if we could reimburse his school for the window and she said no. I still feel bad.
But not as bad as my little guy must have felt to finally confess. It breaks my heart to think he has been walking around for four months keeping this bottled up. It was eating him up inside as evidenced by his tearful confession. It was an accident and I had to reassure him of that several times before the tears finally stopped. I just hope he understood that there is nothing in this world he could tell me that would make me change how I feel about him. Being his mother has taught me what unconditional love truly is.
Tired Mom Tésa says
Oh, that had to be so hard for him to confess – good for him though for telling you the truth. Sounds like you’ve got a great little guy there. I’m so surprised the school didn’t contact you.
Kathleen says
Great post. My oldest has AHDH and quite frequently, he has outburst of meanness and says things he doe not mean when he gets carried away. He always feels bad bout it afterward, and I of course have no trouble forgiving and talking things over with him because I am his mom. We have recently had to have a conversation about how many people will not be the same way and may not be able to get over some of the things he says and does because they aren’t his mom. Anyway, my point is that the love of a mom is unconditional and it is wonderful that he felt comfortable coming clean to you, even after all that time.