I had the best of intentions when my son was born about documenting his life not only in his baby book but also through journaling. I have a cousin who has written many, many letters to her daughter since she was born. Those letters are going to be such a treasure to that little girl someday. I bought a sweet little journal and a brand new pen when my son was born and couldn’t wait to get started.
Well, the reality of motherhood set in and 4 (no, make that almost 5) years later, I have yet to start. Even his baby book has lots of blanks where important things should have been filled in by now. I have so much I want to say to him and just haven’t made the time to do it yet. I suppose in some ways this blog has been helpful in documenting some of his milestones and experiences, so I don’t feel completely like a failure. However, we received a huge shipment of journals in the bookstore the other day and it only reminded me that I have yet to do this.
So, I’m curious. How do you document your child’s milestones? Do you journal, use the baby book, your blog, or just have a darn good memory? None of the above? It’s totally ok if it’s none of the above…I mean, you see how much documenting I’ve accomplished since my son was born.
babyrocasmama says
OK, I don't feel like such a horrible Mother now. LOL I too have a baby book that is not filled out. I feel like a total failure for not doing it correctly.
I did once hear about a Mom who would write milestones/adorable things her kids did on whatever scrap of paper was handy and put them all in a box to be sorted and written in a baby book/journal someday. I thought it was a brilliant idea and meant to start doing that myself, but…I forgot. Or I got busy. Or life got in the way.
I am glad I am not the only Mother who has failed at the baby book thing. LOL
I feel better now. I would be ecstatic if Martha Stewart would shut up and stop setting such high, unattainable goals for us women and Mothers. LOL
TheAngelForever says
When NHL was born (6 yrs ago) I started his baby book. I wrote everything down, put photos in it. Then he turned one and I went back to teaching. That is about the last time I really worked on any of the photo albums or books. I bought a baby book for JSL, but never touched it (he's 2 1/2 now). So the answer is I have about a year of one child written and at age almost 4 I started blogging about him, pregnancy and then the little guy. I think a lot of this is the digital age. When people were forced to print photos they kept up with things.