E.B and I were watching a documentary on PBS the other night about healthcare and how it is funded in other countries. Oh, alright…I was trying desperately to bore the child to sleep because he would. not. give. it. up. It was one of those days when he was going 90 mph with no signs of stopping, and besides…it worked the other day for naptime when we watched Bob Ross painting ‘happy little trees”.
On the program it showed a pregnant woman. E.B. asked me why her tummy was so big. I explained she had a baby in there and it would be in there until it was time to be born.
“Mama,” E.B. innocently asked, “why did that woman eat that baby?”
I can only dream that all of our future “birds and the bees’ talks will be so light and funny.
Amanda says
Ha! Kids. Ha! Sorry… I am still giggling!
JanMary says
Now that is hilarious – love it!
My son's latest cute saying is on my blog.
BabyGanics says
I guess there'll come that time where we have to explain everything to our children- way before the media gets to them. Hopefully
Amanda says
Enjoy it while it lasts. My 3 year old referred to her armpit as her vagina the other day. I maturely dissolved into a fit of giggles.
TheAngelForever says
LOL – You know that is exactly why my mother never said my baby brother was in her tummy. She was always afraid I would think pregnant woman ate babies 😉 Great to see you back and blogging again!
stacey says
i am just laughing because one of my husband's favorite shows is Bob Ross. puts me to sleep every time!!!