Do you love a great deal? I do, and I love them even more when they are found for me and I don’t have to hunt high and low on the internet comparing prices. I simply cannot make myself pay full price for things I know I can get a break on, so being able to find a great deal or coupon at my fingertips is a huge help.
Buxr is a site that allows you to find shopping deals and coupons, earn great prizes for submitting the deals and coupons that YOU find, and if you are a webmaster, pays you a comission on items purchased through a Buxr widget you can display on your site. Buxr does not sell items, but rather collects deals on fantastic products from thousands of great sites and lists them all in one place, making it easy for you to find a great deal on the things you want.
What impresses me the most about Buxr is the amazing variety of brands and products. The deals listed are not for obscure stores you’ve never heard of or shopped at before and the items are not knockoffs of brands. Buxr also has a forum that is not to be missed where members are constantly listing even more great deals and freebies.
Buxr is serious about providing the best shopping deals and coupons and with the holidays coming up I know it’s going to help me spend wisely. Before you pay full price for an item you plan to purchase online, check out Buxr and make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.
Morgan says
Have you heard of They do the same sort of thing. Thanks for the tip, I always love deal hunting!