E.B. did indeed decide he would walk down the aisle and be the ring bearer in the wedding yesterday, thankyouverymuch, and he even gave the preacher a run for his money. Yes, as the ceremony started and the preacher began to explain what a sacred union marriage is, my son moved to the center of the stage and loudly recited the Pledge of Allegience and then sang My Country Tis Of Thee for the wedding guests. I? Could have died. But I didn’t die, because I was laughing so hard I was crying and desperately searching the crowd for my husband to PLEASE! COME! GET! HIM! After what seemed like an eternity, E.B. finally finished up and the ceremony carried on just as planned.
Thankfully, everyone thought it was cute and was too busy laughing until THEY were crying and thankfully, my cousin (the bride) didn’t want to kill me once the ceremony was over.
We honestly don’t know where this child gets his urge to perform. A sign of things to come?
Absolutely priceless!!!
america's funniest home videos maybe?!
I can just picture it. LOL. It would definitely make the top of the most memorable weddings list.
What a great story the bride and groom will have to tell for ages!
And just think about EB's prom date…how you can tell her about that, too. 🙂
I love it! What a crack up!
Oh, that's FUNNY!
I hope you have video of that! 🙂
LOL – At least he entertained with a song. As you saw from my previous comment yesterday, my son was a comedian, but with potty talk.
I hope you have some video evidence to share 🙂