It never fails to amaze me that you can literally find anything online. Obscure products from childhood, people from your past, and even the cure to what ails you. Or just to find out what is ailing you is always helpful.
I’ve been sick for over a week now. It started with achiness and just feeling yuck. This went on until I finally started an antibiotic and felt somewhat better…until the Killer Cough arrived. I have never had a cough that took my breath away before and literally made me feel like I was going to choke to death. It scared me, but I figured surely this would pass and it would get better. But it didn’t. So I did the smartest thing highly reccommended by the medical experts (not)…I Googled my symptoms.
By the time I finished typing in my symptoms, it was determined I had either Pertussis (Whooping Cough), pneumonia, or asthma. And it might even be the kind of asthma that can cause death with an attack.
Great. Super. And this, children, is why they tell you never to Google your symptoms. Because whatever comes up in the results will surely tell you that you are going to die.
I finally stopped trying to tough this one out and went to the doctor this morning. I have bronchitis and will have to take 4 breathing treatments a day and an antibiotic. But, the silver lining is that I have to have REST, which means I can catch up on blogging and reading blogs. And Cracked Daddy and I both have the week off.
I could think of worse ways to recover. But I certainly won’t Google them.
Lani says
Yeah… um… if I went by the internet this weekend i'd be self-diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Here's to hoping my appointment with the neurologist reveals that I don't know what I'm talking about. Hope you feel better. We've been sick with a nasty cold virus for the month of June. The end HAS to be in sight, doesn't it?
stacey says
oh come on, if it wasn't for google, we would still be flipping through encyclopedias! 😉
feel better soon!
GiBee says
Oh, my goodness! I am FOREVER self-diagnosing myself. I'm surprised I don't have a rare incurable tropical northern-southern hemesphiric disease.
Jenni at talking hairdryer says
I would have guessed bronchitis. We get that a lot here in the dust bowl that is West Texas.
That cough…ugh! Sending warm thoughts hoping you feel better soon.
Linda @ My Trendy Tykes says
Get better real soon!
Crystal says
I'm the same way about Googling symptoms and thinking the worst. I hope you get lots of rest and start feeling better soon!
TheAngelForever says
So sorry you are not feeling well. I will say that I am glad to know that I was not the only "Google Dr" out there recently. I had guess my gall bladder is acting up, and finally went to the doctor. She's convinced of it, but now on to real tests since Google will not do the ultrasound for me.
Feel better 🙂
Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says
HI, Mandy, thanks for stopping by. Why haven't I ever seen your blog before? Your're hilarious. Loved your rendition of the yardsale you just had. HOw funny is that?! And no I can't say I've had quite that kind of experience with my own yardsales. I sure go to enough of them. So, it must be a MS thang. Hope you'll come back to see me again.
coastrat says
Oh, my… Hope you have a nice week!
It is continuing to rumble all around us, but not a drop yet.