When you’re having lunch at the local university where your grandmother works and there is a junior high cheerleading camp taking place, walk up and charm the socks off of the cheerleading coach and watch all of the little cheerleaders flock to you.
How To Win Friends And Influence People
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Haasiegirl says
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting says
lol whoopsie! Looks like they weren't gonna get much practicing done 😉
Nap Warden says
stacey says
a ladies' man, huh!!
Leah says
Aubrey says
Oh…I can't tell you how many times my teen son has used his little brother to woo the girlies. LOL
Good times!
eetomost says
That is too cute!! Was he like "Look at all the People!!" 🙂
Cute Mandy:)
Leigh P.
Always a Southern Girl says
Interesting, very interesting!!!
coastrat says
A sign of things to come?