What is HE high-efficiency detergent and when is it used? Can just any detergent be used in front-load washers? Washer manufacturers recommend ‘he’ detergents be used in their front-load and high-efficiency washers. Is this necessary?
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Have you ever asked yourself these questions when it comes to doing laundry? If so, you can find all the answers to these questions and more at LaundryHE.com, powered by Wisk. Since there is still a lot of confusion around what H∙E is/means, this site aims to provide clarity, community interaction and helpful tips from experts on how to improve the laundry experience. You may even recognize a few familiar bloggers in the “Conversations” section.
I was sent a bottle of Wisk HE to try out and I love how fresh my clothes smelled afterwards. The scent wasn’t overpowering and since I am sensitive to laundry detergents this was an added bonus to the great cleaning power.
Would you like to try a bottle of Wisk HE? One lucky commenter will win a free bottle, compliments of LaundryHE.com. Just visit LaundryHE.com and leave me a comment on this post telling me something you learned about high efficiency detergents. To earn an extra entry you can subscribe to my feed and leave a comment telling me and this is totally optional. I’ll close comments and choose a winner on Monday, May 18 at 5 PM. U.S. only.
Nanette says
I like that HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy than traditional washers.
judis121 says
He washers use 20-66% less water but I knew that because I have the awesome washer and use Wisk He detergent. Actually you have to use the HE detergent or you chance ruining your machine!
oceanrena says
i learned that You can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without issue
mom2anutball says
He washers use 20% to 66% less water than a traditional washers.
Thanks for the chance! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
Gianna says
You can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without any problems 🙂
elsmarlouamrman says
HE detergents are very economical, as you use less per load. Thanks for this chance.
Tammy says
Due to their low water wash and rinse cycles, HE washers work best with an HE detergent that is low-sudsing and easily rinsed away.
Lance says
HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy than traditional washers, and HE detergents make less suds while working better … so I shouldn’t be frustrated looking in the little glass window if I don’t see soap suds!
Couture Lady says
I subscribe to your feed.
Couture Lady says
I learned that HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than a traditional agitator washer. Because there’s less water to heat, HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy than traditional washers. HE washers use a “tumbler” system versus a central agitator in most traditional washers. HE washers gently tumble laundry back and forth through a shallow pool of water.
Gabriel J. says
I learned that HE detergent is specifically formulated to create fewer suds that regular detergent.
latishajean says
Im subscribed too!
kathy pease says
”Oversudsing”, can lead to residue buildup in the wash drum as well as the rubber gasket in the interior door of your HE washer. Over time, this can lead to mold growth and associated odor.
latishajean says
I learned that he detergent has fewer suds then regular detergent!
HE washers use 20% to 66% less water! very energy efficient great giveaway thank you!
MAC Mom says
I subscribe
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
MAC Mom says
I subscribe
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
MAC Mom says
I subscribe
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
MAC Mom says
I had no idea about the Oversudzing. This detergent creates fewer suds and uses less water. Oversudsing can lead to mold growth in your washer.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
MAC Mom says
I had no idea about the Oversudzing. This detergent creates fewer suds and uses less water. Oversudsing can lead to mold growth in your washer.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
MAC Mom says
I had no idea about the Oversudzing. This detergent creates fewer suds and uses less water. Oversudsing can lead to mold growth in your washer.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
Middy06 says
I learned that HE detergent is low-sudsing and easily rinsed away.
Deborah says
I learned you can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer. asthenight at gmail dot com
dvice says
I learned that HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than a traditional agitator washer, and because there’s less water to heat, HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy
lilyk says
I subscribed to your feed.
lilyk says
I learned that high efficiency detergents create fewer suds.
jnmacdonald says
HE detergents are specifically low sudsing for front loading washers.
Betty C says
I subscribe to your feed.
Betty C says
Some manufactures consider warranties on the HE washers null and void if non-HE detergent is used.
susan1215 says
You can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without any problems
ladyvon says
I learned that HE detergent can be used in a non HE washer.
purango says
HE detergents are sspecifically formulated to create fewer suds than regular detergents.
Bakersdozen says
I learned that “you can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without issue.” vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
justicecw says
I subscribed via email. justicecw@hotmail.com
justicecw says
Less suds than a regular detergent. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
Pam says
HE washers use less energy and less water and the detergents to use in them make fewer suds. Thanks.
Storm, The Psychotic Housewife says
I learned it makes less suds than regular detergent!
faithandhope707 says
I learned that HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than a traditional agitator washer. Because there’s less water to heat, HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy than traditional washers. HE washers use a “tumbler” system versus a central agitator in most traditional washers
Beverley says
Due to their low water wash and rinse cycles, HE washers work best with an HE detergent that is low-sudsing and easily rinsed away.
JoAnn says
less suds
casib69 says
I am subscribed.
casib69 says
I learned that: Using proper HE detergent for your high-efficiency low water washer will enable your laundry appliance to perform as it should.
Jammie says
I love how it has fewer suds. I like clean clothes with out all the suds and bubbles
Kelly F says
I subscribe to your feed!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
Kelly F says
I learned that HE detergents are concentrated laundry detergents that are low-sudsing especially for use with low water high-efficiency washers.
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
Sarah Z says
HE detergent creates less suds. Suds are a problem because they can cause build up in the wash drum which can lead to mold – yuck!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
djgroz says
HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than a traditional agitator washer. Because there’s less water to heat, HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy than traditional washers. HE washers use a “tumbler” system versus a central agitator in most traditional washers. HE washers gently tumble laundry back and forth through a shallow pool of water.
erma says
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
Shel says
”Oversudsing”, can lead to residue buildup in the wash drum as well as the rubber gasket in the interior door of your HE washer. Over time, this can lead to mold growth and associated odor.
shel704 at aol dot com
lezanac says
I learned that HE detergent is specifically formulated to create fewer suds that regular detergent lezanac@yahoo.com
heaventrees says
I learned that HE washers tumble laundry back and forth through a shallow pool of water. This is one of the reasons you need to use an HE detergent like Wisk. It is formlated to work effectively in that tumbling pool of shallow water, without making lots of suds.
Meet the Browns says
I learned that HE washers use less water which results in using less energy!
sandyy456 says
Q. What about “that smell” often associated with HE washers?
A. ”Oversudsing”, can lead to residue buildup in the wash drum as well as the rubber gasket in the interior door of your HE washer. Over time, this can lead to mold growth and associated odor.
cpsnsamples says
it creates fewer suds
wendy says
HE detergent is specifically formulated to create fewer suds that regular detergent. Unlike traditional top-loading washers, front-loading washers use a tumble system versus a central agitator. This tumbling action creates more suds than a typical wash cycle of a traditional top-loader, so you want to make sure your detergent is low-sudsing.
This is something I learned from the website.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Smooshy says
you can use less water than other detergents!
Belinda says
This creates less suds than regular detergent.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Sher says
HE detergents work in both high Efficiency and regular washers, BUT you should always use HE detergent in a HE washer, it will create too many suds if you use a non-HE detergent and may even void any warranty you may have. Also, the more suds you have, the MORE you need to rinse..so I Learned a little something tonight!
Trish says
I didn’t know that HE detergents create less suds. Since I should be getting a high efficiency washer soon, I could really use this!
tatertot374 says
Thank you for a great giveaway! I learned that HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than traditional agitator washers, and also because there’s less water to heat, HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy. Thank you!
Janna @ Feed Your Pig says
Creates fewer suds saving your washer and your energy!!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
pag says
I would love to win this
adr1001025 says
You can wash in cold water only.
scottsgal says
I didn’t realize that HE makes less suds and definitely conserves energy
msboatgal at aol.com
Erika*Coffee says
You can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without any problems!
Erika*Coffee says
I’m a new follower!
idahomom says
One word GREEN – saves water and energy
JE says
Oversudsing”, can lead to residue buildup in the wash drum as well as the rubber gasket in the interior door of your HE washer. Over time, this can lead to mold growth and associated odor. Thanks for the giveaway!
llinda29 says
can be purchase on amazon
Sunnyvale says
It’s low sudsing, perfect for anyone and particularly for those with front loaders
sillelin says
I learned that You can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without issue
littlelatina says
sounds great
vboackle says
i learnde that HE detergents create less suds.
cathiem says
I learned that there are less suds with this detergent.
Carolyn G says
It is less sudsy because suds can actually hurt your weashing machine. I had no idea.
deedleweedle says
Oversudsing can lead to residue buildup in the wash drum as well as the rubber gasket in the interior door of your HE washer. Over time, this can lead to mold growth and associated odor.
tawnda says
rss subscriber
tawnda says
HE detergents produce less suds than regular detergents and is highly recommended for front-load machines… (like mine ;-))
hminnesota says
HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than a traditional agitator washer.
clynsg says
Since HE washers use less water than agitator machines, they also use less energy heating the water. HE detergents are low sudsing, which means the smaller pool of water is able to rinse the clothes more efficiently.
clynsg at yahoo.com
denyse says
Due to their low water wash and rinse cycles, HE washers work best with an HE detergent that is low-sudsing and easily rinsed away.
cdziuba says
Hope I win. I learned that HE creates less suds, which is terrific because oversudsing can wreak havoc on the washer components, such as the drum/tub itself and the gasket.
toughturtles says
low-sudsing detergent
traymona says
HE detergent is specifically formulated to create fewer suds and HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than traditional agitator washers.
clc408 says
You can use an HE detergent in a non HE washer without issue. Thanks for the chance.
1agordon says
creates less suds
Rebecca Graham says
HE detergents make fewer suds. I have been using HE detergents in my Maytag Neptune.
Sue says
I learned this… ”Oversudsing”, can lead to residue buildup in the wash drum as well as the rubber gasket in the interior door of your HE washer. Over time, this can lead to mold growth and associated odor.
I’m happy to know this! Thanks for sharing~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Deb K says
I learned that I cannot use regular sop in the HE washer!
TheGhostBlogger says
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I learned that HE is very important because it results in energy and water conservation. The HE washers use 20% to 66% less water than traditional agitator washers, and also because there’s less water to heat, HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy!
chromiumman says
he detergent creates fewer suds
shannon says
It creates fewer suds. My mom would love this as she has a front-loading machine.
catriona_sweeps says
I knew that HE washers were more energy efficient but I wasn’t aware that HE washers use 50% to 80% less energy than traditional washers.
HE detergent is specifically formulated to create fewer suds that regular detergent. Unlike traditional top-loading washers, front-loading washers use a tumble system versus a central agitator. This tumbling action creates more suds than a typical wash cycle of a traditional top-loader, so you want to make sure your detergent is low-sudsing.
I am buying a front loaded so I need to use this