This spring, Pepsi and Mountain Dew are taking a nostalgic trip back in time by offering a special retro formula of their popular beverages sweetened with natural sugar, just as they were back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, giving fans literally a taste of the past! I was too young to remeber tasting these products back then, but I did get to try the Pepsi Throwback and was pleasantly suprised by the great taste.
Pepsi Throwback will be available nationwide for about 8 weeks beginning April 20 in 20-oz retro designed single-serve bottles and 12-pack cans.
Pepsi has generously offered one Mommy Cracked reader a fantastic Pepsi Throwback Pack which includes:
Pepsi Throwback Trucker Cap
Retro Pepsi Tin Lunch Box
Retro Clock Radio/CD Player
USB Lava Lamp
Pepsi Throwback & Mountain Dew Throwback
To win, simply leave a comment on this post. If you want to tell me something cool you remember from growing up in the 60’s or 70’s, I’d love to hear about it! That’s it! You can earn up to 2 extra entries by subscribing to my blog or by tweeting about this post on Twitter. Already a subscriber? Just leave me another comment saying so. Contest will close Wednesday, April 29 at 11 PM Central. Winner MUST claim their prize by Thursday, April 30 at 5 PM Central. U.S. Only.
I was fun in the 70’s It was a good time
I subscribe!
I remember going to the teen disco dances & dancing to Disco Duck & doing the hussle.
I was born in 1963 so you know I was a yound teen in the 70's & it rocked!
OH! Do you remember how awesome Donna Summer was too!
It was a very sexy & swinging time to be young!
i remember watching Happy days and Gilligan’s island
Happy Days was a great show from the 70s. I loved it!
I was born in 1976 sp I don’t remember anything from the 70’s!
I was born in 71 so for me I liked the tv shows of the 70’s best.
Thanks for the giveaway…I loved the the USA’s Bicentennial Celebration (1976).
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I subscribe.
I was born in the 80’s, but I love the movies/tv shows from the 60’s and 70’s.
I love Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback, they are great. Crossing my fingers I’ll win this cool stuff.!!
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I subscribed in Google Reader. Thank you.
I was a kid in the 70s and things were so much different then. Things were less complicated then, people appreciated simple things much more. We had to use our imaginations much more, as we didn;t have a zillion TV stations, the Internet and all the videogames. I kind of wish it was still the 70s!
Thank you for the nice giveaway!
What I miss most about my childhood (I was born in ’79) was playing outside. There were kids everywhere. You never see kids playing outside anymore. Could have something to do with the fact that you don’t see parents outside anymore. Does anybody remember that it was time to come home when mom turned the porch light on? Those were the days, my friend.
What a great giveaway! thanks so much for hosting it!
I was born in 77,mood rings,slouch socks,punky brewster,mc hammer pants
Some of the best of the 70s for me is macrame classes with my aunt. Once a week for most of a school year my aunt picked me up and we had a lesson – I’ve got the owl I made on my kitchen wall still. Not quite sure what happened to the plant hangers though – ???
I remember seeing my first music video on Video Concert Hall. It predated MTV. I also remember Channel Z, in the days before cable.
I remember the pop bottle machines from that era. You put your coins in, and watched your soda pop BOTTLE come down. I loved those things.
My favorite thing was Lost in Space!
Subscribe RSS feed. skyxsky27(at)
I was only around for 1 year of the 70’s, but from what I remember, it was awesome
That would be me growing up in the late 50’s and 60’s and I always remember the kids I hung out with saying ‘Groovy’ and the other thing is how some of the kids would imitate Curly from the Three Stooges rolling around on the floor. oh Good times back then, the Best time to have grown up … back then. skyxsky27[at]
Disco music
I was born in ’78 so honestly I don’t have any memories of the 60s or 70s. I can’t say I liked the clothes or the music, both horrible, I’m glad I don’t have any memories lol
Something cool about growing up in the 60s and 70s was that High Fructose Corn Syrup wasn’t used everywhere! I can’t wait to try Pepsi Throwback and get a taste fo the past. Another thing that was definitely cool back in those days was television — I still love many of the older shows.
Too bad my kids didn’t have the great childhood I did. We could go and play by ourselves and never be watched. Life was so much easier and simple and things were special. You didn’t get new Barbies, you go a new Barbie outfit. You appreciated what you had from shoes to a dress because you didn’t get so much. Things were better quality from food to clothing. Life was carefree for us.
I loved the sitcoms of the 70’s – All in the Family, Mary Tyler Moore, MASH, etc.
70S Rock music
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
I liked the tv shows
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
I was a young mom in the 60’s and 70’s and I remember letting my kids run the entire neighborhood and not having to worry because we knew everyone.
I remember some cool stuff, jingle-jump, chinese jump rope and my neighbor wearing a paper dress and long wig, cool memories! Thank you!
The 70’s rocked….. These were my teenage years.
Big Pepsi and Mountain Dew fans in this house. Prize pack has some great goodies I whould love to win. I loved the 70s. It was a really fun time, life was simpler back then….miss the good ole days.
I’d love to win this! Thanks!
I met my husband in 1980, and if I had a nickel for every bottle of pepsi he’s had since I met him, I would be rich!
I’m also a subscriber. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I Tweeted this giveaway.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I loved listening to my mom’s Carpenters records and I dreamed about singing like Karen Carpenter!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
The Dukes of Hazzard was cool. I remember the debut of the great contest. I would love to win.
Born in the 60’s, I remember riding my bike behind the truck that was spraying for mosquitos with all the other kids in the neighborhood. (GASP!!!) – and how we survived without video games or cell phones – goodness knows, but I remember I had loads and loads of friends – real friends, not “cyber” friends!!! The 70’s ROCKED!!!
Seeing the original Star Wars movie at the drive in was one of my best memories from the 70s.
Tweeted the giveaway:
I subscribe to your blog in google reader – thanks!
I wasn’t born until 1978 but I do have a few very fond early memories of the decade, including listening to the “Saturday Night Fever” soundtrack with my mom and sister and seeing my first movie in the theater, “Star Wars.” Thanks so much for the cool giveaway!
I was pretty young, but I do fondly remember the great music and TV shows.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I miss the glass bottles!
I remember Gilligan’s Island and the fact that my brothers and I would never miss an episode. I also remember Happy Days, my Dad had hair just like Henry Winkler and we used to tease him about it. Even today at 79, he still has the same hair (even though it’s shiny white now!)
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
I have great memories of our family reunions. They would put Pepsi bottles in ice and water in those big wash tubs. It was like heaven on a hot summer day! Thank you for the sweeps!
pepsi rocks!I remember pop coming in glass bottles and taking the empty bottles back into the store for a deposit back:) ty 4 the entry into this awesome giveaway:)
I’m also a child of the 70s.
i was born in the 70’s
I am a subscriber.
I loved going to concerts in the 70’s.
I tried that Pepsi throwback, and daaaamn is that sweet. Really sugary. i wish they’d cut the sugar in half, then, THEN it’d be off the hook delicious and crisp
I wasnt around in the 60s and 70s i was born in 79 but i love pepsi and in my teen years it was new kids on the block
i tweeted as doozercries
denice p
i was born in 78, but something i loved from the 70’s is my mom had a pic where she wore this really cool big faux fur coat. She looked so glam..
thank you.
I was born in 1970, so I got to grow up in that era, it was a blast. I loved my bell bottom jeans, the good ol’ country songs, the disco music, the free love…just all of it. If I could choose any time to go back to it would definitely be the 70’s…just I want to be an adult in that time. I would have shakin’ my booty!
The Music
I was born in the mid-’60s, and I remember only having four channels (counting PBS) on television. I used to rush home from school to watch shows like Gilligan’s Island, The Brady Bunch, and The Beverly Hillbillies. When I was about 11, I started getting into science fiction, and I loved Battlestar Galactica, Logan’s Run, Buck Rogers, Space 1999, and Star Trek (in reruns, of course).
I was still really young in the 70s but I do remember Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers! Great kids entertainment! Thanks!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
growing up during the ageof aquarius was great!
I remember a family picture taken in the late 70’s and my dad’s big mustache and bigger shirt collar!
believedreamcourage (at)
I loved variety shows – Captain & Tenille, Sonny & Cher, Donny and Marie, etc. etc. I miss those!
following you
Loved taking my kids to Disney World during the gas crisis. Memories
I had my very first Mountain Dew in 1971 on vacation. They didn’t sell it where I lived until many years later. It never did taste the same….maybe this throwback will.
I loved Tiger Beat magazine, the Osmond Brothers, and David Cassidy.
I like the music from the 70’s especially Disco.
I wasn’t around until the tailend of the 70’s but I have to say I love the music from the 60’s.
I wasn’t alive in the 60s and 70s… I kind of wish I was though!
I remember the (un)cool plaid pants I sported. Also, the tube tops!
I love the fashion!!
True Blue Pepsiholic, loved the bell bottoms and big earrings, thanks for the giveaway
I loved drive in movies and disco and cold glass bottles of Pepsi.
I love the 70’s music!
I was born in the mid 60s and I remember walking to the corner store with a quarter, and coming home with a brown paper bag full of candy. I also remember how much better Pepsi tasted back then in glass bottles. It still tastes good today, but nothing beats an ice cold glass bottle.
Wooo Hooo Make me a winner!
I wasn’t born in the 60s or 70s, but love the refreshing taste of Pepsi.
I remember the great taste of the real pepsi! I am queenesperfect at
I loved disco music and am a pepsiholic.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
I remember the great after school showslike Gilligan’s Island and Bewitched!!!
This is an awesome giveaway~Thanks so much=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
My memory is the after school cartoons
I was born in 1973 and I remember short shorts!
I tweeted.
My memory-Saturday morning cartoons.
It’s easier to say what I hated, lol, but I did love the Brady Bunch and the Partridge Family.
I am a Pepsi only person. When I was young and babysitting, I remember making pancakes for the girls and we put raspberry jam on them. Of course I would have a Pepsi with them. The 60’s and 70’s were carefree times for me.
I love Pepsi and wasn’t born till October of 79.
I was a little girl in the 70s and I was obsessed with fashion– especially platform shoes! I couldn’t wait to grow up so I could get the biggest platforms they made. Glad they’re back in style so my dream can FINALLY come true!
We’d get cases of glass bottled pepsi delivered. It was great.
Children could play outside safely!
I was born in the late 70’s, so I don’t remember much – but I do remember how safe everything was compared to today.
nic0ler917 at
Thank you for a great giveaway! I was not born until 76 but I love the disco music today. Thank you!
OOOps… I subscribed to your blog.
I tweeted:
What comes to mind right now is the lemon twist! I loved mine. You remember it? You put it around your ankle and jumped over it as it spun around? And it didn’t work on batteries, either, it worked on your own go!
I wasn’t born until the late 80’s but the 60s and 70s had great music.
I wasn’t alive in the ’70s HOWEVER as a small child in the ’80s I enjoyed a music box my Granny owned that had come from the 60s and 70s era that played “Close to You.” the Bacharach song made famous by the Carpenters.
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
Remember Marathon bars??
And riding your bike with the basket on the front, collecting glass soda bottles to redeem for dimes at the local candy store?
Remember PENNY CANDY??
And smiley face buttons…
I remember the muscle cars! The roar of their engines, man, they were fast!
Was not born until 1980s but I always liked cola made with sugar over corn syrup.
I grew up the same age as the kid in “The Wonder Years”, and I remember a lot of the things they showed, like watching the first moon walk on a fuzzy tv.
I loved pet socks — socks with iron on eyes and a pom-pom nose! I had a few pairs of those.
Love this stuff!
Being born in 1976 not too many thingd to remeber.
I was in college in the 70's so I have GREAT memories of that time period. Loved the music, the clothes, the "peace & love" vibe. Great time!
I follow you on Google.
I will always remember when the Pepsi truck would deliver door to door in the 60s. My grandparents bought cases of Pepsi and Pepsi products. About a half hour before we would watch TV at night she would partially freeze the Pepsi in the glass bottles. We would drink our Pepsi while watching the 11:00 news after then the TV signed off for the night.
All I can say is Piggy Tales!!!
I loved my clothes in the 1970s. Tie-Dye and bellbottoms.
Disco music and bell bottom jeans
I loved not worrying about the price of gas. You could go anywhere and not worry about the high prices.
I was born in 1978 so no real memories.I do love the music though,Elton John,The carpenters,ect.Thanks!
Christina – – Besides the music and the dancing, I remember the great air of freedom and change and no more restrictions!
Thank you…..Cindi
I am a subscriber to your blog!
Again, many thanks!
Hello! I remember the neighborhood
friendships and the good times we had growing up! It was a time when society wasn’t as mobile as it is now! Many thanks for the cool giveaway prize package!
Many thanks, Cindi
I remember watching black and white tv.
I remember dressing all crazy in these psyhodelic colors in the 70;s…crazy
I remember our avocado green appliances and being able to dial our local library to hear a kid story that was recorded. Shag carpet anyone???
I loved all the new freedoms women were getting during the those times.
I remember phones with cords and black and white tv’s!
madamerkf at aol dot com
Real sugar!!! Sign me up!
I remember the bicentennial in ’76!
jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net
I wasn’t born in the 60s or 70s, but I’m a HUGE Pepsi fan.
Pepsi has always been my favorite. Growing up in the 60’s, I remember flowers and great songs.
I was not born until 1976, so I don’t remember anything about growing up then. I do, however, like Pepsi products.
Woodstock! Wow!!
i want to win
For most of my conscious life, Pepsi was made with high-fructose corn syrup. However, I still love any soda that is made with sugar, and would love to see it back. Pepsi should completely return to sugar, and join the ranks of Red Bull Cola, Boylans, Passover Coke, Dublin Dr. Pepper, and even Walgreens’ house soda.
I remember the bell bottom pants and listening to Shaun Cassidy and the Bay City Rollers.
I was a teen in the 60’s. I loved the new freedoms.
The thing I remember-granny dresses! LOL!
I was born in the late 60s. It was great to be a kid in the 70s. We used to play outside all day long. No cell phones…no one worried about being abducted. We had some fun toys…
I remember that the little kid tool kits had real blades in the saws. My friend Michael sawed the wooden top of his family’s big console TV . lol His mom was pissed.
I was born in 1968. I remember my parents talking about Richard Nixon. Thanks!
I remember penny candy- yum!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I remember the Evil Knievel specials on tv. I also remember watching an Elvis concert on tv.
i was born later in the 70’s but remember going to the dime store and things were really a dime!
I was too young to remember much about the 70’s but I do know that my parents loved disco music and they played a lot of that when I was really young
I grew up in the 70’s. We stayed outside all summer long and played. We didn’t have to come in until it was dusk.
I loved being a kid in the ’70s. Penny candy was still a penny!
The BRIGHT clothing
I was also born in 1976 so most (all?) of my memories began in the 80s. Jelly shoes and bracelets, dressing like Madonna.
I love Pepsi’s throwback. I think all sodas should be made with REAL sugar!
My “kids” frew up at that time and they would say the music is what they remember
I was born in the early 80’s. However I must say I enjoy ABBA and Beegees music.
It has to be the music from the 60’s and 70’s
I loved my banana seat bicycle.
My first 2 sons were born in the 60s.
I remember the rock and roll music.
I remember my bell bottom jeans – I had one favorite pair – wore them every day. And don’t forget the peace symbol – everyone had either a necklace or a ring.
I was born in the early 70’s and love the 70’s music the best.
Didn’t Mikey from the Life commercials die from mixing pop rocks and coke? That was one of my favorite 70s dumb rumors!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I remember being out playing ball in the street, and one of the parents would come out with a bottle of Pepsi and some cups. The GOOD old days.
I LOVE the fashions of the 60’s and 70’s! I was in my teen years and had the figure to wear the mini skirts…ahhhh the good old days! Now I wear mumu’s
THe 60’s and 70’s were great years, we could ride our bikes and play outside until dark, all the neighbors knew each other, everyone would sit out and visit!
My x husband love Coke and collectible coke stuff. I am all about Pepsi now.
Pepsi is my vise. I drink it everyday. Great contest
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I was a teen in the 70’s and really miss the incredible makeup from that era – like Yardley Pot O Gloss products, Tigress perfume and all the funky leather clothing with platform shoes! We rocked LOL
I’d love to win this! I wasn’t born until ’77, but we had some cool cartoons!
alison_luby at hotmail dot com
Loved my cool green plaid bell bottoms pants.
I liked the Brady Bunch
getting my allowence(2 dollars)on friday. id hop on my bike and go get a pepsi!! nothing tasted better on a hot day. i remember one day coming up the hill on my bike and the paper bag broke and there went my pepsi. i was devastated.back then they came in glass bottles!
I remember listening to the latest songs on our transistor radios. The clothing styles were interesting. I still have my peace symbol bag, but I really wish I had kept my Nehru jackets. Then there were always the mood rings and slave bracelets to complete the look.
What I remember most are warm summer days, hanging with my friends and listening to our transistor radios.
What I remember from the 70’s is the 4 time Superbowl Champion Pittaburgh Steelers!
I wasn’t born until 1979, so I don’t have any firsthand experience with the 60s or 70s. I do remember loving the tv shows though – reruns of the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family!
love american style that was funny
always preferred pepsi over coke
Groovy, far out and psychodelic. Barbarella forever!
we had a pepsi machine at work that had long skinny bottles of pepsi
I remember platform shoes. Insane! I fell off mine a few times.
Some of my favorite were, the Brady Bunch, the Partridge Family, Donny Osmond, Bobby Sherman…oh my, I just realized…I’m old. lol
Thanks so much for this giveaway. I’d love to try this throwback Pepsi. Thanks.
i loved the cartoons
I loved the mini skirts and great bands of the 60’s and 70’s
I was born in 1978. I love the 70’s music. I love pepsi.
ah, now i’m following you via google news feed. what i loved about the 70s was the disco music. pure, unadulterated fluff that you could dance to. sigh.
I wasn’t born untill the 80’s, but I like some of the TV shows. I love that pepsi is useing real sugar. I have been trying to cut the nasty HFCS out of my diet. Thanks.
I was struggling to raise 3 kids in the 60’s and 70’s.
I have been drinking Pepsi products for years and they sure have changed the look! I can remember having to pay a deposit when we bought the 6 Pack of Bottles
I wasn’t born til the 80’s but I LOVE the clothes from the 70’s! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
I was born in 1979 so I missed pretty much all of the 70’s!
I wasn’t born untill 1982, but I love the music of the 70’s.
I remember Hullabalo the sixties dance show. That is where I first saw Sonny and Cher singing “I Got You Babe” on the beach!
i remember first watching star wars
usb lava lamp? how cool
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
I was born is 1963. I still have my moon wagon and pedal car from that time. All of us neighborhood kids built forts, rode neon green bikes and played kickball for hours on end.
I was born in 1975….. I love to good old days LOL
I loved the Saturday morning television, like Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, H.R. Puffenstuff and Land of the Lost.
I tweeted.
I subscribed.
I remember watching the Brady Bunch.
Christina – – I loved going out dancing in the
70’s, and the feeling of change and freedom that was in the air, freedom from the old ways and restriction!
Subscribed via google reader
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
I miss my bell bottom jeans and my stereo/8 track tape player. I wish I still had my Saturday Night Fever album too.
shel704 at aol dot com
I was born in 77 so I pretty much missed the 70’s. I do know that Star Wars first came out in 77 and I believe Elvis died in 77 so I’ve got that going for me, whatever that’s worth.
I just love the “real” sugar in soft drinks than the corn syrup they have now. I’ve never tried the original Pepsi.
I wasn’t born until the 80’s, but I love the fashion and peace/hippy spirt of the 70’s.
I wasn't born til 1981, but after a hot day at work my grandfather would open up his lunch box and share a pepsi & moon pie with me.
Need a lava lamp!
Awesome! What cool stuff! memories..
lol Thanks!
well it seemed to be a less stressful time where kids spent more time outdoors and so did the adukts- oh the bad things about technology..
then the 8tracks and records and am/fm and remember when people did not have vcrs and watched the sunday night movie on sunday night because there were no vcrs…
kuntakinta? wow seems so long ago
It seemed to be much safer & friendlier in the 60's & 70's.
I loved the india import gauze shirts and dresses from the 70’s
I remember drinking Pepsi and Mt. Dew back in the day when it still came in glass bottles. Liked it much better then, seemed like a special treat.
I wasn’t born in the 60s or 70s, but I remember my mom telling me all about it! Now thanks to her, I listen to all of the songs from that time!
I’ll never forget my parents VW bus…Typical orange!
heidivargas [at] live dot com
In the 60’s and 70’s I wore flowers in my hair. I learned about sex education at my church in 2 classes since no one school taught it.
I was a Pepsi person and grew up drinking the real stuff. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
I was just a little kid in the 70's but I remember loving to watch Emergency, Happy Days, and Laverne & Shirley.
I loved the superheroes =)
I love retro stuff, and I’m a pepsi-holic, so I think this is cool!
ahh… the joys of my childhood… I remember spending every summer day of the late 70’s at the pool… You couldn’t get me away
Growing up in the 70’s were great. As a kid, I was able to run around the neighborhood and play from morning until night just checking in for meals. We didn’t have to schedule any play dates, we just played with the neighbors. We didn’t have to practice school lock-downs just tornado or fire drills.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
I loved all the great TV shows.
abfantom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I was not born until 1976. But I love the fashion during the 60’s and 70’s