Since starting preschool, E.B. has come home with birthday party invitations galore and the fact that my child has a more exciting social life than I do never fails to crack me up. We’re carting out the birthday gifts to parties at least twice a month, and as fun as that is for E.B., it causes his mom some major anxiety in the toy aisle while searching for just the right gift for him to take. Take this morning, for example. The party we are going to is for a little girl. I know nothing in the world about what little 4 year old girls like. I’m outnumbered in my home and only ever babysat and took care of little boys. I stop cold when I see pink and froo-froo. It’s such a foreign concept to me. If it’s not Thomas trains I pretty much draw a blank.
So I ponder while I scan the massive amounts of pink and sparkly stuff laid out in front of me. Dolls? Polly Pockets? Barbie? Hannah Montana? I’m half resigned to just go for the old standby (books), but try to remember what it was like growing up and being so excited over ALL THE NEW TOYS when I had a birthday party.
Then I begin to over analyze the situation. What if this child’s mom doesn’t want her to have anything Barbie because Barbie just clearly represents everything oppressive to women in modern day society? What if Mom doesn’t allow Disney Princesses in the home? Will the child choke on Polly’s tiny microscopic parts if she gets an uncontrollable urge to put a piece of it in her mouth? And the biggie…WHAT IF SHE ALREADY HAS ONE OF THESE?
I finally settled on a plastic pink Disney Princess lapdesk that comes with crayons and all manner of creative drawing materials. Not too many loose parts, she can be creative, and best of all….everything fits inside the pretty pink plastic lapdesk! It’s perfect! She will love it!
I think.
What if someone gets her one just like it? What if….what if….what if….
Kelly S. says
Hi mommy cracked! Noticed you were in MS, we lived in Biloxi a few years ago. I am missing the weather there!
Good choice for the bday party.
(And you think you have alot of parties now, wait till kindergaten and the class size doubles ;)!
Bloggymommy says
I wouldn’t worry about it. If someone else gets it for her then she can just return it. Just be sure to tape the gift receipt onto the gift. I think you did good. All little froo-froo girls love disney and barbie. At least my froo-froo girls do! 😉
stacey says
it can be stressful, indeed!
i usually stock up on crayons/markers, coloring books, artsy/crafty stuff, puzzles, games, and other stuff like that. then you can also go either gender with those or have a few girl and a few boy versions ready to go.
i stock up at post-holiday sales too!