It’s been tough to get back into the routine of blogging since the Christmas holidays. (I know. You could hardly tell from ALL of my interesting, thought provoking posts since the end of December, right?) I also got sucked right smack into Facebook where all of my friends and I have been posting pictures from way back when we thought we all had life figured out. My mom used to have a sign on her refrigerator that said, “Why didn’t life’s problems hit me when I was a teenager and knew everything?”. I always rolled my eyes heavenward when I looked at it and thought old people sure were nuts. Turns out, that sign pretty much sums it all up.
I was all ready to sit down and blog my little heart out today since it was my day off, but I came home from work last night with a sinus infection that obviously has a personal beef with me. It feels like something is squeezing my temples and jaw and it will not let up. My stomach also tells me I am hungry, but I cannot taste or smell anything and pretty much don’t have an appetite for anything. I’m also a crabby sick patient. Poor Cracked Daddy has been at my beck and call, fetching Tylenol, Sudafed, and Kleenex and adjusting the thermostat to suit my ever-changing bodily temperature needs.
It’s also obscenely cold here. We woke up to 19 degrees this morning and I just thanked the Lord I didn’t have to be anywhere today. Now, I am fully aware of the fact that many of you reading this are even more obscenely cold, but in defense of this whine-fest I would just like to point out that you people above the Mason-Dixon Line are used to this sort of thing. We are not. Anything below 30 sends me into hibernation mode.
So, once again, I have nothing for you today. I’m just sitting here bringing sexy back in my mix-matched pajamas with a red nose, swollen eyelids and yeterday’s hair-do swept back in a plastic hair clip. I’ll leave you with that mental picture and hopefully be back shortly.
Ok, what is it with sinus infections just kicking the crap out of us. I’ve only had ONE but I hope never again!
I hope you are feeling better!
Get well SOON!
This weather does sucketh. I wish i could email you some vitamin C and such to help
Sorry you feeling bad, get better soon. I too am having a hard time getting back into the blogging swing since the holidays, just shoot me now. lol
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
This post cracked me up.
But I do hope you’re feeling better soon!
What a cool sign your Mum had!
Hope you feel better soon. It’s stinking hot in Australia, just so you know. Hop on a plane…
AW! You poor thing! Yesterday was the coldest day….it was 12! I did not move from my house all day!Hope you feel better!
you whole first paragraph is crackin me up becuase i have been having the SAME EXACT PROBLEMS! Complete w/ the Facebook obsession! too weird!
i hope you feel better and get some rest….it was 7 degrees yesterday morning here and I’m all about not leaving the house too…brrrrr
I hope you feel better soon.
Where are all the people that were telling us a few years ago that the world was going to end because of global warming???
I could use a little global warming right now!
awww, girl, i hope you feel better soon!!!! I know all of that sinus stuff really sucks!
I need to get in touch with your reader who has a vacation home in Nashville, but that would be nice to get away sometime:)
let me know how you are doing,,and man, i’m jealous of those mix matched pj’s:)
Girl, you got more that I got out today! (and probably more snot too).
Hope you feel better soon.
HERE…not hear! Geez. The cold is affecting my brain. LOL!
Get better soon! Stay warm! It’s 17 hear in the Nashville area where I have a vacation? home. Tomorrow I am heading back to sunny California, remembering why I live there. LOL! Blessings, Lisa
Hope you’re feeling better soon! I am hating this weather!!!