After the past week, all I can say at this point is that I would like a Christmas do-over, please! I was merry! I was bright! I was baking and wrapping, and then it all just went to heck in a handbasket.
Christmas Week
I told you last week that I had been to Walmart to get new tires. I had also been sent to several other stores in town to help my mama finish her Christmas shopping. This will be important info later.
Hubby came in Wednesday evening and had to stop by urgent care before coming home. Anytime this man wants to go to the doctor, I know it’s serious. He was miserable and had been in the northeast that week. When he finally made it home, he was diagnosed with strep throat and an upper respiratory infection. I was prepared with soup and meds and got him all settled in and comfortable. He had to miss Christmas Eve at my aunt’s house this year.
Thursday was spent at home taking care of hubby and doing the Christmas baking. Things were rocking along, although I didn’t get to finish making all the treats I wanted to. All the presents were wrapped, and I looked forward to relaxing on Christmas Eve until we went to my aunt’s house that evening.
Christmas Eve
So much for the relaxing, hahaha! On Christmas Eve, my mama informs me she still needs some Walmart gift cards for recipients, so off the Teen and I go to take care of that. It was about 10 AM, but the store was pleasantly not crowded, and we could get in and grab a few grocery items on her list, the gift cards, and get the heck out of there. I’m sure it became a madhouse once churches let out after lunch. But we got it taken care of, and I returned home to rest for the evening’s festivities.
Hubby still wasn’t feeling great, so the Teen and I headed to my mama’s house to get her car packed with her gifts, and we all went to my aunt’s that evening. We had a great time. It was so good to see some of my family, whom I only see at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I took lots of pictures, but I would have to blur out too many faces, so here’s one of my aunt’s beautiful mantle. She collects dolls.
Once we left my aunt’s, we followed my mom home and got her all settled in before we left to head to our house. The Teen had been rubbing his eye quite a bit that evening I had noticed. He randomly gets this eye irritation thing, but we have drops for it. Anyway, he was still hungry because we only do appetizer-type food at my aunt’s, so I popped a frozen pizza in the oven for him. By the time it was finished cooking, I noticed I had chills. I headed upstairs to get a hot bath and realized something wasn’t right afterward. My whole body ached. I still felt cold and was shaking. After the boys went to bed, I took some Tylenol and parked in the recliner. I stayed up until three that morning before I could go upstairs and sleep.
Christmas Morning
Somehow, Hubby and I rallied on Christmas morning, and we all got up and opened presents. Hubby made a wonderful breakfast, and we used the Christmas plates this year! But then it just went all downhill for me afterward. Fever, chills, body aches, coughing, wheezing, stuffy head…repeat, repeat, repeat. I did a Covid test, and it was negative. The emergency room was the only thing open on Christmas Day, so I knew there was no point in trying. I hear that ERs are crazy on major holidays anyway! Haha! So I took to the bed for the next couple of days and finally felt human yesterday. I can only surmise that I had the flu and most likely caught it from going out and about in the stores that week. I am a homebody, and my immune system is not as tough since I no longer work in a school anymore.
Ultimately, we did not get to do our Christmas present opening with my mom on Christmas Day, and I felt so terrible for that. Of course, she understood, but I missed seeing my mama on Christmas Day. I’ve never not seen my mama on Christmas Day. But we have plans to get together with her this Saturday when we are all at 100%. I’m looking forward to it.
I would also like to give a special shout-out to Vick’s VapoRub! I’m telling y’all, this stuff works wonders for chest and stuffy head congestion! It even comes in a rub-on stick or a patch now! Fancy!
Anyway, I’m making the rounds and catching up on blog reading today. How was your Christmas? I hope you all stayed well!
Your the second blog I read tonight who got flu for Christmas. My friend got Covid and the flu at Christmas. I use Vicks every night for my nose. I remember my parents and grandparents using it with us. I hope you have complete healing!
Thank you, Susan! We are all better now, and so grateful for the healing!
I am glad you are feeling better. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year, my friend.
My friend, I am so very sorry you guys were sick at Christmas! It hardly seems right, you know? We wait all year for this one day, and if the sick bug latches onto one of us, then that is it! I have heard of so many people dealing with the same thing. Hugs and prayers for health and cozy happiness this New Year.
Oh dear! So sorry that you had such a crummy Christmas. At least you had that time at your aunt’s. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. Hopefully you’ll get with your mom this weekend and “finish” Christmas. Happy New Year.
Oh, I am so sorry. Hope y’all can have a good New Years weekend and get your strength back soon.
Oh no. I am so sorry you were sick. I remembered a couple different years where I was sick on Christmas and it does stink. Glad you are feeling better….hope you enjoy the time with your mama this weekend.
Thanks so much Rachel! Supposed to see my mama tomorrow!
Oh, my! Well, I’m glad you had a good time Christmas Eve at your Aunt’s house, were able to enjoy breakfast and opening gifts on Christmas, and are feeling better now. My sister sent me something you might appreciate. Not sure who wrote it originally. Hugs to you! –Elise
‘‘Twas the night after Christmas and time for a pause.
Collapsed in the corner sat tired Mrs. Claus.
The stockings were crooked, the house was a mess.
The tree had tipped over, but she couldn’t care less!
Her muscles were aching, her feet were so sore!
This overworked spouse couldn’t take anymore!
She’d addressed all the cards from a mile long list
Then received several more from some friends she had missed.
With the elves she’d wrapped presents for many nights through
With tape on their fingers, bows, paper, and glue.
When she lifted her nose, turned her head to the side,
She’d smelled something burning… “My cookies!” She’d cried!
At last all was done by the skin of her teeth
The mistletoe hung with the holly and wreath.
But Santa cried out as he left on his flight,
“You’re the GREATEST, my dear!
Merry Christmas! Good night!”
I love that poem, Elise! Thank you for stopping in and sharing it!
Oh goodness, what a mess. SO sorry you were sick. Glad to hear all are recovering and you get to see momma this weekend. It will be extra special! Stay well and happy new year!
Thank you, Cheryl! I’m almost back to 100%! Take care!
I’m so sorry you were ill on Christmas Day! I hope that both you and your husband and son are well now. I rarely go out and when I do, I still wear a mask. I hope you have a very happy and healthy New Year!
You are smart to mask up, Bless! I should have done that. I just wasn’t thinking!