When you’ve got some time to kill on your lunch break and every store you see seems to be advertising a huge sale, it can be very tempting to break out your credit card and go on a spending spree. Even if you only hand over the plastic for an occasional impulse purchase, it all adds up and you could soon find yourself in the unmanageable situation of spending more than you earn.
If you’ve tried everything to curb your spending but you don’t want to resort to cutting up your credit cards – if you compare credit cards carefully and use them wisely, they can actually be very useful – you will need to get creative. If you don’t trust your willpower to hold out against a world full of sales and special offers, it’s time to think outside the box with a few unusual methods:
Put your credit card on ice
It’s not a method that most credit card companies would advise, but actually freezing (yes, actually putting it in your freezer) your credit card can help you to stop spending when you don’t need to. The method involves popping your credit card in a zip-lock bag so that it stays nice and safe, putting the bag in a glass of water and putting the whole thing into the freezer. The next time you are running out and you want to take your credit card with you, you’ll have to wait for it to thaw. This gives you time to think about whether you actually need that must-have item, or whether it’s actually a waste of money. Nine times out of ten, you’ll simply leave it and go without your credit card.
Stick a note to your credit card
Sometimes, all it takes is a little reminder to stop you in your shopping tracks. Write a message to yourself on some tape, something like “For emergencies only” or “I’m paying this off!” and stick it to the front of your credit card. This might not stop you giving into the urge to spend, but it might make you stop and think for a minute.
Give your credit card to your parents
No one is better at managing your finances that your parents, so why not give your credit card into mom or dad’s custody? This way, you will have to call by and pick up your credit card whenever you need to make a purchase. Hopefully, you’ll only be bothered to do this when you really need to. This unusual method of curbing credit card spending will also help you to see your family more, which your parents will be pleased about.
This is a sponsored guest post.
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