Remember the 80’s? Passing notes….watching the VCR….making “mix-tapes”? I never would have dreamed we would have the internet, cell phones (with internet!), and other gadgets and gizmos smaller than a Rubik’s Cube square that could hold music. While I certainly appreciate and use these technological advancements on a daily basis, I got a little nostalgic when I saw these:
Ahh, memories!
Jen-Eighty MPH Mom says
Ahhh those were the good ol’ days!! I sure do miss them sometimes 🙁
Jenni@talkinghairdryer says
I’m old enough to remember, the cassette player/manual slide show…turn on the cassette player, listen to the tape, and change the slide at the tone. I LOVED getting to be the one to change the slides!
Shan @ Last Shreds Of Sanity says
There was nothing better than making your own mix tape. Or making a tape for when you broke up with that guy who broke your heart. Or when…you get the idea. And the A/V cart? Yeah, you knew you were going to get time to write notes or nap when that came out. Unless it was history class and it was some stupid movie like Jeremiah Johnson with Robert Redford. I hated that movie.