Ever since I’ve started selling on Ebay again, I have come across some really weird auctions at times and it amazes me what people will actually buy on Ebay. There are so many weird things you can sell on Ebay and I thought I’d share 25 items that you can actually list for auction that might just net you some cash!
25 Weird Things You Can Sell on Ebay
- Half-empty perfume bottles- Just be sure to ship ground! It’s a liquid.
- Empty boxes- I’ve actually sold an empty Vans shoebox!
- Single shoes- If you can’t find the match to a shoe, someone may still be able to use it.
- Product manuals and directions- People like these, especially if they go along with hard to find collector items.
- Ugly Christmas attire- The tackier, the better!
- Ancient cell phones- Be sure to specify that they won’t be able to be activated.
- Old jeans- Vintage jeans, especially brands like Levi, can sell for a pretty penny in good condition!
- Old business cards- People actually collect these.
- Old letters- There are collectors for these as well.
- Random buttons- People use these for sewing
- Sewing scraps- Some crafters make small things and only need scrap material.
- Old political buttons- History buffs love these!
- Old concert t-shirts- Depending on the band, how old the shirt is, and the condition of the shirt, these can go for big bucks!
- Junk or costume jewelry- Have a pile of jewelry you no longer wear? Sell it in a lot. Sometimes people even buy tangled jewelry.
- Random power cords- Someone just might need what you have.
- Non-working gaming systems- People use these for parts.
- Old caps and trucker hats- There is a market for this.
- Wine corks- Again, crafty people use these in projects.
- Toy accessories- Have a bunch of parts for dolls, like dresses, shoes, etc.? People want these for their dolls that are missing things!
- LEGOs- When your child is finished playing with them, sell these by the pound. Just check to make sure they have the LEGO logo.
- Game piece parts- Somewhere out there, someone is missing that shoe piece for their Monopoly game.
- Non-working watches- I just sold one of these a couple of weeks ago! Just be sure to specify it doesn’t work.
- Old holiday decor- Depending on the age, these items can sometimes fetch a great selling price.
- Taxidermy- People buy mounted animals for home decor. For real.
- Stickers and sticker books- Did you collect stickers in the ’80s? Your collection just might be worth something if you are willing to part with it.
There are so many weird things you can sell on Ebay that’s just sitting around your house. You might think it’s junk, but it might be very useful to someone else!
Photo: Simon
Thanks for this. I lost both of my children and have soooo much to get rid of so now I will try selling on eBay